

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Proposal Indecisions

   As the due date for my senior seminar proposal approaches I have found myself torn between exactly what process to use: Digital, B&W Film, or Wet Collodion? The photos will be good regardless of the process, but I intend to find which is best for the work I have in mind and roughly sketched out. So there is only one way to sort that out. I'll be shooting the first photo in all three processes. I mixed up some fresh wet collodion chemistry today in order to be ready to shoot before Friday. Beyond the HOW, I will also be answering why I am using whichever technique or process for this work. This is important and will be nailed down as best I can for my proposal.
   In the meantime, my home studio is finally refinished and ready to be used. I leave you with a new image posted in the banner above, which is a scanned copy of last year's wet collodion still life series I made. I am considering reproducing the series in chromogenic prints and selling them somewhere online and locally.

Good Day,

Jon E. Slade

Monday, August 25, 2014


Hi All!
It's been a very long time since I have posted anything here due to not being required to do so for course work. However, I am beginning the senior year of a Photo BFA at the University of Missouri St. Louis and I will be using this blog to share my progress and related things with you until I graduate in May 2015.
My photog will be a body of work that will span the next two semesters with a senior show at the end of Spring '15. I look forward letting you know exactly what I propose to do for this year long project, very soon. As always, feel free to share this blog, comment, and ask any questions.

Take care,

Jon E. Slade